Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Stomach within a stomach

So, here’s a further theory to my personal “You are what your ancestors ate” principle of evolution.
Let’s say I’m a lizard who can eat a certain spider. My stomach takes in the DNA of that spider and begins the process of dissolving the DNA so I can get that spider’s amino acids into my bloodstream. This happens millions of times as generation after generation of spiders and lizards live side by side. The spider evolves to become more poisonous, and the lizard evolves to tolerate the poison. A hapless bird flies into the equation and eats the lizard, which has just eaten it’s favorite meal, the poisonous spider. The bird dies of course because it ingested the poisonous spider secondhand, and now we have a DNA pile of bird, lizard, spider. Let’s say this happens hourly for millions of years. What happens to the stem cells in this pile? Are they capable of awakening in this new DNA pile when put into a slurry together? Maybe not in the healthy individual, but what if the spider already had a cancer or was newly pregnant? If we imagine the entire food chain of the planet, every animal, as a slurry pile of one belly ingesting another, every minute of every day, don’t these mathematics create a stronger case for evolution than anything else? Stem cells in close contact with foreign DNA may be what gives rise to new species. Evolution then is pursued by every species on the planet with the same drive as hunger. If I eat, I contribute to the possibility of new life. Wouldn’t this in turn cause stem cells to show up in certain places within our bodies? The closer the stem cells are to the stomach for instance, or the gonadotrophic hormones, etc, the more likely that stem cell will be activated.

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