Thursday, December 17, 2009

Found an interesting website. This is the chief architect of what you might get paid for the rest of your life. Here is their website. Know your enemy:

They are well intentioned, I can see that in the Bios of the people that make all the money in this company, but this is a monopoly in every sense of the word. It's actually a worldwide monopoly and no one will ever do anything about it. The ability to access and process data to control business labor pools, worldwide, is so far above the monopoly law it's not even on the radar, but it is the new paradigm in business, stock markets, heck the FED even has a monopoly for controlling data, and when compared to how a traditional monopoly was discovered and dealt with this isn't the same game. You'll never have another company screaming "price fixing". This new thing can only be controlled by other software. Their Computer chips have already won the fight. The humans will serve them well, at designer, customized wages.

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